A growing collection of projects you can run locally to learn more about Keystone’s capabilities. Each example includes documentation explaining the how and why. Use them as a reference for best practice, and a jumping off point when adding features to your own Keystone project.
All example projects live in theKeystone GitHub repo
Standalone Examples
Standalone examples demonstrate how a particular feature works or how to solve a problem with Keystone.
Blog →
A basic Blog schema with Posts and Authors. Use this as a starting place for learning how to use Keystone.
Task Manager →
A basic Task Management app, with Tasks and People who can be assigned to tasks. Great for learning how to use Keystone.
Authentication →
Adds password-based authentication to the Task Manager starter project.
Custom Admin UI Logo →
Adds a custom logo component in the Admin UI.
Custom Admin UI Navigation →
Adds a custom Navigation component to the Admin UI.
Custom Admin UI Pages →
Adds a custom page in the Admin UI.
Custom Field Type →
Adds a custom field type based on the integer
field type which lets users rate items on a 5-star scale.
Custom Field View →
Adds a custom Admin UI view to a json
field which provides a customised editing experience for users.
Default Values →
Demonstrates how to use default values for fields.
Document field →
Illustrates how to configure document
fields in your Keystone system and render their data in a frontend application.
Extend GraphQL Schema →
Shows you how to extend the Keystone GraphQL API with custom queries and mutations.
Extend GraphQL Schema with GraphQL TS →
Demonstrates how to extend the GraphQL API provided by Keystone with custom queries and mutations using graphql-ts.
Extend GraphQL API with Nexus →
Shows you how to use Nexus to extend the GraphQL API provided by Keystone with custom queries and mutations.
JSON Field →
Illustrates how to use the json
field type. Builds on the Task Manager starter project.
REST API endpoint →
Demonstrates how to create REST endpoints by extending Keystone's express app and using the Query API to execute queries against the schema.
Testing →
Shows you how to write tests against the GraphQL API to your Keystone system.
Virtual fields →
Implements virtual fields in a Keystone list.
Singleton →
Demonstrates how to use singleton lists with Keystone.
End-to-End Examples
End to end examples demonstrate how a feature works or how to solve a problem with an independent frontend application and a Keystone server.
Deployment Examples
Examples with all the code and documentation you need to get a Keystone project hosted on the web. You can find them in the Keystone Github Organisation.
Heroku →
Based on the with-auth
project, this example deploys a simple app backend to Heroku. Includes a one-click deployment for Heroku account holders.
Microsoft Azure →
CommunityDeploys a Keystone app backend to Microsoft Azure. Based on the with-auth
project. One-click deployment included.
Railway →
Deploys a Keystone app backend to Railway. Based on the with-auth
project. One-click deployment included.